
On July 27 & 28, 2001, the President of RAAD was a guest speaker at Reform Our Court 4 Kids event in Washington, DC.
On October 16, 2001 RAAD members attended "SHINE THE LIGHT OF JUSTICE FOR CHILDREN" with ACES all over the United
States. This was to show that 33 million children deserve and are owed child support. Thank you to all the members of RAAD
that attended or held a Candlelight Vigil.
On September 13, 2000 Shelley Andrews, President of RAAD, attended a Al Gore rally. I personally met with Al Gore. Al Gore
is supporting our fight Against Dead Beat Parents.
Montel Williams Show taping of Dead Beat Parent on August 29, 2000. Shelley Andrews, President of RAAD was invited and did
attend the taping of the show. The show aired on October 3, 2000.

May 2000 Our first March on Washington Against Dead Beat Parents


RAAD Party & Concert
Saturday, June 22, 2002
Lebanon, NH
March on Washington, DC Date to be announced at a later date
Our national organization was
founded by Shelley Andrews, V. Sue Smith, Laura Lawson and Patti Mackie. The reason our organization was started was because
of how much of a national problem it is with Dead Beat Parents, both Dead Beat Moms and Dads, still getting away without paying
the court ordered child support. 20 million children do not receive their court ordered child support. Our mission for starting
this organization is to get the current child support laws changed. The current system doesn't work.
The reasons the
current child support laws do not work: Child Support Enforcement are not getting the Dead Beats in court because Child Support
Enforcement do not follow thru with the information that is given to them over and over again by custodial parents. Sometimes
it will take Child Support Enforcement 3 or more years to go to the Dead Beat?esidence and by then they have moved. Employers
not following thru with reporting all new employees to the government so that Dead Beat Parents can be found. It is a great
law but what about a Dead Beat Parent that has worked for the same company before the law was enacted? A new law needs to
take place requesting that all employers report all employees. This will bring out more Dead Beat Parents.
Child Support
Enforcement officers give us false information, do not tell us about the laws to help our personal cases because if we knew
the laws ourselves then we would be pushing harder for Child Support Enforcement to do their jobs. Not all, but many Child
Support Enforcement officers are rude to us. Many feel that we should just sit back and wait. Well, I personally have been
waiting for over 15 years. Could you sit and wait 15 1/2 years without any child support? Child Support Enforcement needs
to understand that. Calling or writing to the states Attorney Generals are not helpful either. We, the custodial parents come
across road block after road block with Child Support Enforcement and our Dead Beats. This has to stop.
The Federal
Government has to make the individual states follow thru with the federal guidelines. Child support is still being processed
as a civil action thru the states. Non-Payment of Child Support should be a felony at the state levels and not after 2 years
of non-payment but after 6 months. Again, I ask the question could you live without a paycheck for 2 years? Or 6 months?
have a national petition going around the United States demanding that the child support laws need to change.
We will
be marching in Washington, DC, at The US Capital on (Date to be announced at a later date ).
Gold Ribbon
Campaign: We wear gold ribbons as a symbol that child support laws need to change for our children and everyone's children.
Non-Payment of Child Support is Child Abuse!!
Dead Beat Parents need to become extinct!!
Shelley Andrews National President of Responsible Adults Against Deadbeats Organization PO Box 1355 Lebanon,
NH 03766
We hope to update this page often with new photos.